path: root/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
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1 files changed, 129 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl b/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
index ba943d98..d8dc5972 100644
--- a/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
+++ b/julia/CrystFEL/src/detgeom.jl
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module DetGeoms
-export Panel
+export DetGeom, DetGeomPanel, DetGeomGroup, InternalDetGeom, copydetgeom
+export findgroup
-mutable struct Panel
+mutable struct InternalPanel
@@ -21,27 +22,144 @@ mutable struct Panel
-mutable struct DetGeom
- panels::Ptr{Panel}
+mutable struct InternalDetGeomPanelGroup
+ name::Cstring
+ n_children::Cint
+ parent::Ptr{InternalDetGeomPanelGroup}
+ serial::Cint
+ cx::Cdouble
+ cy::Cdouble
+ cz::Cdouble
+ children::Ptr{Ptr{InternalDetGeomPanelGroup}}
+ panel::Ptr{InternalPanel}
+mutable struct InternalDetGeom
+ panels::Ptr{InternalPanel}
- top_group::Ptr{Cvoid}
+ top_group::Ptr{InternalDetGeomPanelGroup}
-function Base.show(io::IO, p::Panel)
+mutable struct DetGeomPanel
+ name
+ corner
+ fsvec
+ ssvec
+ pixel_pitch
+ adu_per_photon
+ max_adu
+ w
+ h
+struct DetGeomGroup
+ serial
+ name
+ children
+ center # For rotation
+mutable struct DetGeom
+ panels::Vector{DetGeomPanel}
+ topgroup::DetGeomGroup
+function copy_dg_panel(p::InternalPanel)
+ DetGeomPanel(unsafe_string(p.name),
+ [p.cx, p.cy, p.cz],
+ [p.fsx, p.fsy, p.fsz],
+ [p.ssx, p.ssy, p.ssz],
+ p.pixel_pitch, p.adu_per_photon, p.max_adu,
+ p.w, p.h)
+function copydggroup(panels, grp)
+ grpdata = unsafe_load(grp, 1)
+ name = unsafe_string(grpdata.name)
+ children = DetGeomGroup[]
+ if grpdata.n_children > 1
+ for i in 1:grpdata.n_children
+ cdata = unsafe_load(grpdata.children, i)
+ push!(children, copydggroup(panels, cdata))
+ end
+ DetGeomGroup(grpdata.serial, name, children,
+ [grpdata.cx, grpdata.cy, grpdata.cz])
+ else
+ name = unsafe_string(grpdata.name)
+ pn = findfirst(x->x.name==name, panels)
+ DetGeomGroup(grpdata.serial, name, [panels[pn]],
+ [grpdata.cx, grpdata.cy, grpdata.cz])
+ end
+function copydetgeom(dg::Ptr{InternalDetGeom})
+ dgdata = unsafe_load(dg, 1)
+ panels = DetGeomPanel[]
+ for i in 1:dgdata.n_panels
+ paneldata = unsafe_load(dgdata.panels, i)
+ push!(panels, copy_dg_panel(paneldata))
+ end
+ topgroup = copydggroup(panels, dgdata.top_group)
+ DetGeom(panels, topgroup)
+function seq100(ser, head)
+ if ser == 0
+ ()
+ elseif ser < 100
+ (head...,ser % 100)
+ else
+ seq100(ser ÷ 100, (head..., ser % 100))
+ end
+findgroup(dg::DetGeom, ser) = findgroup(dg.topgroup, ser, seq100(ser÷100, ()))
+function findgroup(group::DetGeomGroup, ser, path)
+ if length(path) == 0
+ @assert(group.serial == ser)
+ return group
+ end
+ findgroup(group.children[path[1]], ser, path[2:end])
+function Base.show(io::IO, p::DetGeomPanel)
write(io, "Panel(")
write(io, "name=\"")
- write(io, unsafe_string(p.name))
- write(io, "\", center=(")
- show(io, p.cx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.cy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.cz)
+ write(io, p.name)
+ write(io, "\", corner=")
+ show(io, p.corner)
write(io, "), fs=(")
- show(io, p.fsx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.fsy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.fsz)
+ show(io, p.fsvec)
write(io, "), ss=(")
- show(io, p.ssx); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.ssy); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.ssz)
+ show(io, p.ssvec)
write(io, "), size=(")
show(io, p.w); write(io, ", "); show(io, p.h)
write(io, "))")
+function showgroup(io, p::DetGeomPanel, prefix)
+ println(io, prefix, "Panel ", p.name, " (",p.w,"×",p.h,")")
+function showgroup(io, grp::DetGeomGroup, prefix)
+ println(io, prefix, "Group ", grp.name, " (serial number ", grp.serial, ")")
+ for child in grp.children
+ showgroup(io, child, prefix*" ")
+ end
+function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", dg::DetGeom)
+ println(io, "Detector geometry structure with ", length(dg.panels), " panels")
+ showgroup(io, dg.topgroup, " ")
end # of module