path: root/julia/plot-geom.jl
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Diffstat (limited to 'julia/plot-geom.jl')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/julia/plot-geom.jl b/julia/plot-geom.jl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..754111e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/julia/plot-geom.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+using CrystFEL
+using GLMakie
+function readmillepede(filename)
+ fh = open(filename, "r")
+ readline(fh) # discard header line
+ motions = map(eachline(fh)) do line
+ sgroupser,sdelta,_ = split(line)
+ (parse(Int,sgroupser), parse(Float64,sdelta))
+ end
+ return motions
+function findeigenvector(fh, num)
+ while !eof(fh)
+ l = readline(fh)
+ bits = split(l)
+ if length(bits) == 5
+ if bits[1] == "Eigenvector"
+ if parse(Int, bits[2]) == num
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ error("Eigenvector not found")
+function readeigenvector(filename, num)
+ fh = open(filename, "r")
+ findeigenvector(fh, num)
+ motions = []
+ while !eof(fh)
+ l = readline(fh)
+ length(l) < 3 && return motions
+ bits = split(l)
+ for i in 1:2:length(bits)
+ push!(motions, (parse(Int,bits[i]), parse(Float64,bits[i+1])))
+ end
+ end
+ return motions
+function translate!(panel::DetGeomPanel, vec)
+ panel.corner += vec/panel.pixel_pitch
+function translate!(group::DetGeomGroup, vec)
+ for child in group.children
+ translate!(child, vec)
+ end
+function rotate2d!(p, c, ang)
+ nx = c[1] + (p[1]-c[1])*cos(ang) - (p[2]-c[2])*sin(ang);
+ ny = c[2] + (p[1]-c[1])*sin(ang) + (p[2]-c[2])*cos(ang);
+ p[1] = nx
+ p[2] = ny
+function rotatex!(panel::DetGeomPanel, center, angle)
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.corner, 2:3), center[2:3]/panel.pixel_pitch, angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.fsvec, 2:3), [0,0], angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.ssvec, 2:3), [0,0], angle);
+function rotatey!(panel::DetGeomPanel, center, angle)
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.corner, 3:-2:1), center[3:-2:1]/panel.pixel_pitch, angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.fsvec, 3:-2:1), [0,0], angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.ssvec, 3:-2:1), [0,0], angle);
+function rotatez!(panel::DetGeomPanel, center, angle)
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.corner, 1:2), center[1:2]/panel.pixel_pitch, angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.fsvec, 1:2), [0,0], angle);
+ rotate2d!(view(panel.ssvec, 1:2), [0,0], angle);
+function rotatex!(group::DetGeomGroup, center, angle)
+ for child in group.children
+ rotatex!(child, center, angle)
+ end
+function rotatey!(group::DetGeomGroup, center, angle)
+ for child in group.children
+ rotatey!(child, center, angle)
+ end
+function rotatez!(group::DetGeomGroup, center, angle)
+ for child in group.children
+ rotatez!(child, center, angle)
+ end
+function plotgeom!(dtempl, motions)
+ f = Figure(size=(1024,1024))
+ ax = Axis3(f[1,1], aspect=:equal, limits=(nothing,nothing,nothing,nothing,0,0.3),
+ xlabel="x (meters)", ylabel="y (meters)", zlabel="z (meters)")
+ sl = Slider(f[2,1], range=0:0.01:1)
+ btoggle = Toggle(f, halign=:left, tellwidth=false)
+ f[3,1] = grid!([1,1]=>Label(f, "Show beams", halign=:right, tellwidth=false), [1,2]=>btoggle)
+ cfimage = CrystFEL.Image(dtempl)
+ triangles = lift(sl.value) do trscale
+ dgmoved = cfimage.detgeom # Makes a fresh copy of underlying C structure
+ # Apply all `motions` in the same way as align_detector
+ for m in motions
+ param = m[1] % 100
+ group = findgroup(dgmoved, m[1]-param)
+ if param == 1
+ translate!(group, trscale*[-m[2],0,0])
+ elseif param == 2
+ translate!(group, trscale*[0,-m[2],0])
+ elseif param == 3
+ translate!(group, trscale*[0,0,-m[2]])
+ elseif param == 4
+ rotatex!(group, group.center, trscale*-m[2])
+ elseif param == 5
+ rotatey!(group, group.center, trscale*-m[2])
+ elseif param == 6
+ rotatez!(group, group.center, trscale*-m[2])
+ end
+ end
+ # Generate triangle mesh from panel descriptions
+ points = Point3f[]
+ for panel in dgmoved.panels
+ corner = panel.pixel_pitch*panel.corner
+ fs = panel.pixel_pitch*panel.w*panel.fsvec
+ ss = panel.pixel_pitch*panel.h*panel.ssvec
+ push!(points, corner)
+ push!(points, corner+fs)
+ push!(points, corner+fs+ss)
+ push!(points, corner+fs+ss)
+ push!(points, corner+ss)
+ push!(points, corner)
+ end
+ return points
+ end
+ beams = map(cfimage.detgeom.panels) do p
+ cen = (p.corner+p.fsvec*p.w/2+p.ssvec*p.h/2)*1.5*p.pixel_pitch
+ ((0,0,0), Tuple(cen))
+ end
+ mesh!(triangles, color="#7f7f7f")
+ beamv = lines!(collect(Iterators.flatten(beams[1:4:end])), color="#008080")
+ connect!(beamv.visible, btoggle.active)
+ return f