AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
12 hoursFurther clarification about ordering of panel group directivesHEADmasterThomas White
12 hoursDataTemplate: Add an "all" group if no panel definitions are givenThomas White
12 hoursWhitespaceThomas White
14 hourscrystfel_geometry(5): Mention that group definitions must come after panelsThomas White
37 hoursindexamajig: Avoid writing empty Mille recordsThomas White
2 daysJulia: Add 'setreflections!' to add a RefList for a Crystal in an imageThomas White
2 daysJulia: Avoid making a list of NothingThomas White
3 daysindexamajig: Add ASAP::O acknowledgementsThomas White
4 daysalign_detector: Add missing argument in warning messageThomas White
4 daysasdf: Force cell to be right-handed after refinementThomas White
4 daysasdf: Don't store cell volumeThomas White
5 daysMinor documentation tweaksThomas White
7 daysGUI: Fix buffer overflow in "delete_gui_tempdir"Philipp Middendorf
7 daysCI: Better way of restricting build-centos7 to mainline onlyThomas White
7 daysCI: Run build-centos7 only for "main" project (not for e.g. MRs)Thomas White
9 daysMerge branch 'julia'Thomas White
9 daysAddress pipeline performance improvement changes which Tom requested.Parthasarathy Tirumalai
9 daysReorder job stages so that maxwell deployment can start as soon as centos7 bu...Parthasarathy Tirumalai
9 daysCONTRIBUTING.md: Fix DOI linkThomas White
9 daysUpdate Homebrew formula to 0.11.0Thomas White
10 daysThis is CrystFEL White
10 daysAdd -f option to brew upgrade commands in the MacOS jobs.Parthasarathy Tirumalai
10 daysINSTALL.md: Fix link to crystfel.rbThomas White
10 daysUpdate crystfel(7)Thomas White
10 daysUpdate INSTALL.mdThomas White
10 daysUpdate README.mdThomas White
10 daysUpdate INSTALL.mdThomas White
10 daysUpdate AUTHORSThomas White
11 daysTweak prediction refinement weightingsThomas White
11 daysalignment-test.jl: Plot shift/sigma (pull value)Thomas White
11 daysalignment-test.jl: Round peak coordinates to one pixel, to get realistic errorsThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Do not free image->data_block until we get the callbackThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Add even more debug for producerThomas White
2024-03-07ASAP::O: Fix ingest flags for placeholdersThomas White
2024-02-27alignment_test.jl: Break plotting routine into 3Thomas White
2024-02-27Julia: Do polarisation correction via CrystFEL functionThomas White
2024-02-27Julia: Move merging utils to separate moduleThomas White
2024-02-26process_hkl.jl: Add polarisation correctionThomas White
2024-02-26Julia: RefList: Return indices as vectors, not tuplesThomas White
2024-02-26Julia: UnitCell: Add accessors for cell parameters and basis vectorsThomas White
2024-02-26stream_read_chunk: Set kpred to nominal wavelengthThomas White
2024-02-22julia/process_hkl.jl: Abstract stable running mean/varianceThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: Set finalizers for RefList and Crystal when taken from imageThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: chunkread: Expose option for reconstructing image data arrays/detgeomThomas White
2024-02-21Julia: RefList: Return nothing if no reflections in listThomas White
2024-02-21julia/process_hkl.jl: Break into routines, add correction functionThomas White
2024-02-20Set default flag for panel dimensionsThomas White
2024-02-20tests/geom_roundtrip: Test dimension as panel-specific valueThomas White
2024-02-19Julia: Add Base.get!(::Reflist, indices)Thomas White
2024-02-19Draw attention to the need for separate Mille dirs for cluster jobsThomas White